做水果沙拉需要哪些材料,步骤是什么? ?
当然是水果啦 可以放些梨,苹果,香蕉,火龙果,橘子,弥胡桃等等 根据个人喜好啦。
去皮的先去皮 去核的先去核 然后切成小丁丁 放在一起待用
最后就要放沙拉酱了 可以买现成的 (推荐比丘沙拉酱)也可以用酸奶搅拌
这都不详细? 那就按我的分量来 嘻嘻 半个苹果 半个梨 一个香蕉 一个橘子(甜一点的) 半个火龙果 剩下的一半啃了吧呵呵 再放上三勺比丘沙拉 搅拌均匀
制作水果沙拉过程 ?
首先你要准备一些水果,例如:苹果、香蕉、芒果等等,也可以根据你自己的口味准备水果。其次是要准备沙拉酱或是千岛酱,把准备好的水果洗干净切成小块或者片状,放进盘子里,然后舀几勺准备的酱放进去,用筷子把水果和酱拌起来 ,拌均匀后就可以吃了。
怎样用英文表达水果沙拉的制作过程? ?
each piece should be a little bigger than your thumbnail. Remember that fruit salads are often creative -- you decide which fruits to use and how much, raspberries, oranges,) apples. Wash all your fruits. Serve at room temperature or slightly chilled, or serve out of the bowl (coat the bowl with lemon juice to naturally sweeten the fruit-this will retard any browning [oxidizing] as well due to the citric acid and ascorbic acid - FruitFresh or crushed Vitamin C tablets will do the same thing), grapefruits, grapes.
2. Put all grapes and berries (except strawberries) in a large mixing bowl, and peaches. Arrange them on a platter, blackberries, nectarines,blueberries, honeydew melons.
6. For reference, cantaloupe, bananas. Chop all other fruits into bite-size pieces1. Some tasty fruits are berries (strawberries, put into individual bowls or Tupperware. Enjoy, kiwis.
5, mangoes
水果沙拉怎么做 水果沙拉做法步骤 ?
1 鲜橙剥去皮,掰成瓣状;红李洗净拭干水,用刀削成块。
2 苹果洗净,削去外皮后切成块。
3 奇异果削去皮,切成块;提子洗净切成两半,去籽。
4 香蕉剥去皮,切成1厘米长的段。
5 将所有水果放入大碗里,盖上保鲜膜放进冰箱冷冻2小时,取出浇入1杯酸奶搅匀,便可开动了。