
葱爆肉盖饭图片 葱爆肉

盖浇饭,炒饭有哪些? ?


老家餐饮公司菜名汉译英 ?

食品名称 English Name
素烧饼 Vegetarian Sesame Cake
鸡蛋饼 Sesame Cake with Egg
甜烧饼 Sweet Sesame Cake
油条 Fried bread stick
茶鸡蛋 Tea egg
绿豆粥 Mungbean Porridge
紫米粥 Purple Rice Porridge
豆浆 Soybean Milk
豆腐脑 Jellied Tofu
老家馄饨 laojia wonton
肉包 Buns with meat
素包 Buns with vegetable
大包子 Large buns
肉饼 Meat pie
馅饼 Vegetarian Pancake
牛肉面 Noodles with beef
肉丝面 The noodles with shredded meat
炸酱面 Noodles with Soy Bean Paste
西红柿面 The noodles with tomatoes
丸子面 The noodles wi揣h meatball
红烧牛肉盖饭 Stewed Beef Rice
红烧肉盖饭 Steamed Rice with Red-Cooked Pork
咖喱鸡盖饭 Rice with Curry Chicken
木须肉盖饭 Rice with eggs,cucumber,fungus and meat
蘑菇肉片盖饭 Rice with mushroom and meat slice
西红柿鸡蛋盖饭 Rice with tomato and eggs
酸豆角盖饭 Rice with acid beans
狮子头盖饭 Rice with Meatballs
鸡蛋汤 Egg drop soup
米饭 Steamed Rice
砂锅丸子 Meat balls in casserole
红油耳丝 Silk pig ears with chili oil
红油肘片 Pork Hock Seasoned with chili oil
麻辣海带 Peppery kelp
五香豆腐丝 Spiced Tofu Wire
椒油土豆丝 Peppery potatoes Wire
水煮花生 Boiled peanuts
拍黄瓜 cucumber
青豆萝卜干 Radish and beans
菠菜粉丝 Spinach fans
酸口木耳 Fungus acid taste
啤酒 Beers
百事系列 Pepsi Series
冰镇饮料 Chilled Drinks
酸梅汤 Plum juice
矿泉水 Spring Water
椰汁 Coconut milk
杏仁露 Almond revealed
红星小二 Hongxing Primary 2
奶茶 Milk Tea
听可乐 Coca-Cola

请教容易做的晚餐食谱~~ ?


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