
窝蛋免治牛肉饭 窝蛋免治牛肉饭 香港

免治是什么意思 ?

mince meat,免治肉,意思是肉末

菜谱翻译...请大侠指点~~~ 40分?

烟肉生菜鲜茄三文治 Bacon sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes
大腿(餐肉)蛋文治 Ham and egg sandwich
滑蛋牛肉三文治 fried egg and beef sandwich
吞拿鱼三文治Tuna sandwich
芝士火腿三文治Ham and Cheese sandwich
蒲牛扒三文治Beef steak sandwich
吉利猪扒三文治 Ji Li pork sandwich
鲜果沙律 Fresh Fruit salad
田园沙律 Garden Salad
吞拿鱼沙律 Tuna Salad

Oriental / Western Soup

粟米羹 Sweetcorn Soup
紫菜肉片蛋花汤 Seaweed, pork and egg soup
番茄肉片蛋花汤 potato, pork and egg soup
鱼头豆腐汤 Fish head and Tou Fu soup
原味天知鸡汤 Original Chicken soup


酸辣汤粉 Chilly and sour noodles
榨菜肉丝米粉 Pork and pickle noodles
鲜虾云吞面 Prawn Yun tun noodles
凤城水饺面 Feng Cheng boiled dumplings
秘制牛腩面 Beef noodles
五香排骨面 Five-spice rib noodles
爽滑鱼蛋面 Fish and egg noodles
手打牛丸面 Home made Beef ball noodles
炸酱拉面 beef mince and sauce noodles
沙爹牛肉公仔面 Sate beef noodles

I am at work.I will finish all the translation when I get home.

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